Sunday, January 17, 2010

New Year, New Me

I'm back to blogging!!! Woohoo! So it's a new year and I'm determined to make a new me!! I have many goals for this year and I've decided to share some with you guys!!
2010 Goals:
1. Make lists. Write down what I need to do for the day, week, month.
2. Attend all of my classes.
3. Stop looking at eating clean as a diet, instead look at it as my lifestyle.
4. Try new foods. (especially fish)
5. Compete in my first show.
6. Look at the positive aspects of life rather than dwelling on the negatives.
7. Attend church more often.
8. Follow a sleep schedule. (stop sleeping in and going to bed late)
9. Blog more often!
Those are just some of my 2010 goals. And I already have a jump start on number 1! I am ready to take on 2010 and make it the best year yet!
*Only 18 more days until my birthday!! The big 20!!*
xoxo, Em

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